Two more MLAs and a candidate cross from BC United to BC Conservatives. And we look at some of their positions as BCU seeks relevancy and BC Conservatives chase the reactionary vote.

Federally, a new redacted report says various politicians have wittingly colluded with foreign governments. And the Auditor General criticizes the frequency of McKinsey contracts.


B.C. United caucus chair Lorne Doerkson defects to Conservatives

BC United unveils historic fish and wildlife management plan

Rob Shaw: MLA Elenore Sturko defects to Conservatives in stunning blow to BC United

Conservatives announce floor crossing

Coquitlam-Maillardville BC United candidate rejoins conservatives 

Turns out they should have listened to their vetting committee

BC United releases ‘United to Fix Child Care’ plan to address the NDP child care crisis

B.C. Conservatives envision sweeping changes to schools, housing, climate and Indigenous policies if elected – The Globe and Mail

Haida Gwaii agreement poll

Murray Rankin retires

Government won’t commit to releasing names of MPs who allegedly conspired with foreign actors | CBC News

Opposition challenges Liberals to name parliamentarians allegedly colluding with foreign powers – The Globe and Mail  

Special Report on Foreign Interference in Canada’s Democratic Processes and Institutions

Liberals blocking access to 1,000-plus documents, says intel-oversight panel reviewing foreign interference

What the ‘inadvertent error’ in the PBO’s carbon tax analysis means, in as plain English as possible | CBC News

The carbon pricing debate is somehow getting worse | CBC News

Federal government flouted rules when awarding McKinsey contracts: AG report | CBC News

2024 Reports 5 to 7 of the Auditor General of Canada to the Parliament of Canada


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