We respond to some feedback on our alleged anti-Green bias and a roundup of smaller stories from the past week.
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- Feedback podcast@politicoast.ca
- BC versus Toronto — Politics Today
- BC Blasted for Joining Ontario’s Fight to Limit Rights of Municipal Voters
- BC’s Submission
- Permanent wholesale liquor pricing will help hospitality sector recover
- Majority of Canadians think it’s high time to decriminalize illicit drugs: poll – Surrey Now-Leader
- Canada’s top military commander steps aside following sexual misconduct claim
- Federal Conservatives call for suspension of hotel quarantine policy following reports of sexual assault
- MPs vote to label China’s persecution of Uighurs a genocide
- Biden holds first foreign meeting with Canada’s Justin Trudeau
- Feds get another month to reform assisted-dying law as bill stalls in the Commons
Photo via Twitter @KermitTheFrog