We look at the end of the campaign and make our predictions for what will happen Saturday (or in a few weeks when we finally know results) and we check in at how Parliament averted a federal election this week but we could always be thrown into one next week.

Elections BC Where to Vote

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Segment 1: We’re almost done

A Tale of Two Voters: Shifting dynamics tighten BC Election race in its final days

10 ridings to watch in BC on election night

Segment 2: We probably don’t have to do this again, federally

Liberals quash Conservative bid for ethics probe with help of NDP, Greens

Snap election averted as Liberal government survives confidence vote in Commons

Liberals will not view second Conservative committee motion as confidence vote

Liberals rebuff Conservative push for documents on federal COVID-19 response

Quick takes

Liberal insider warned of ‘potential for a scandal’ in judicial appointment process

Parliamentary committee calls China’s mistreatment of Uyghurs ‘genocide,’ urges Ottawa to sanction Beijing officials

China warns Canada not to damage relations further with ‘lies’ about Uyghur genocide

Committee News Release – October 21, 2020 – SDIR (43-2) [report]

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