We recap the bombshells of the day that close out a very eventful week in the campaign. Videos leaked, candidates out, a debate that we’ve all but forgotten about – oh and two platforms dropped. It’s so much that we’re going to leave discussing the platforms for a standalone podcast this weekend.

We started the week with BC Liberal MLA Jane Thronthwaite coming under fire for sexist remarks against NDP MLA Bowinn Ma in a roast for retiring MLA Ralph Sultan. The three leaders debated on Tuesday evening in what was an ultimately unmemorable affair, aside from the failure by John Horgan and Andrew Wilkinson to navigate a question on race and privilege. And on Thursday Chilliwack-Kent MLA Laurie Throness was booted from the Liberal party for comparing an NDP pledge to provide contraceptives through MSP to eugenics.

Not covered was Friday’s revelation that the New Westminster BC Liberal candidate had previously positively retweeted a JK Rowling blog attacking trans people.

We also didn’t have time to get to the two platforms that dropped this week from the BC Liberals and the BC Greens. We’re planning a special bonus episode early next week to cover those.

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Main segment: Eugenics is the line

Quick takes

Image adapted from facebook/lauriethroness

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