David Eby releases a report on how ICBC’s financials are faring amidst the pandemic and the answer is…complicated. The latest job numbers are out and they’re clearly bad but perhaps a report from the emerging economy taskforce will provide a path to a new future. And the MOU between Canada, BC and the Wet’suwet’en was signed but what will it mean for the future of Crown-Indigenous relations?
Plus quick takes on TransLink, liquor, investigations under the BC Election Act and why Norway blacklisted Alberta oil companies.
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A transcript will be available soon at politicoast.ca
Segment 1: Scrhodinger’s Dumpster Fire
Segment 2: No jobs today, different jobs tomorrow?
- BC lost nearly 400,000 jobs in March and April, province says
- BC Liberal Comeback Plan
- Emerging Economy Task Force – Province of British Columbia
- Emerging Economy Task Force, Final Report, March 2020 [PDF]
Segment 3: An agreement signed
- Memorandum of Understanding Between Canada, British Columbia and Wet’suwet’en as agreed on February 29, 2020
- Wet’suwet’en, BC and Canada sign MOU on negotiations for legal recognition of title
- Backgrounder on MOU between Wet’suwet’en and Canada and BCA What would the MOU do? • Canada and BC recognize that Wet…
Quick takes
- Province and TransLink to ensure transit service in place to support BC’s Restart Plan
- TransLink, BC Transit set to resume fare collection June 1
- B.C. to give restaurants a liquor discount, expedite patio approvals
- Special Prosecutor concludes involvement in BC Election Act investigation
- Trudeau says wealth fund blacklisting of Alberta companies a wake-up call on climate change action
- Progress Alberta AIMCO report: Alberta’s Failed Oil and Gas Bailout [pdf]