The NDP lose their first vote as the BC Liberals possibly set a new precedent for how speakers will break ties in the Legislature. The party’s financial situations paint a rosy picture for the NDP, however, and a bleak one for the Liberals.
On the SNC scandal, Jody Wilson-Raybould releases a recorded conversation, which gets her and Jane Philpott kicked out of the Liberal caucus. Is there any more damage Trudeau can do to the Liberal brand before the election?
And in quicktakes, we follow up on the #RightToBareArms and the federal NDP pharmacare plan.
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Segment 1: Horgan’s first loss
Segment 2: There’s no infighting in the Liberal Party
at 12m43s
- Links to Jody Wilson-Raybould’s recording and additional written material
- JWR & Jane Philpott removed from Liberal caucus
- JWR & Philpott’s conditions for staying ending scandal
- JWR speaks to Macleans
- Philpott speaks to Macleans
Quick takes
at 40m02s
- #RightToBareArms followup
- BC NDP take heat for partisan caucus ads
- Federal NDP Pharmacare plan
- Nova Scotia adopts opt-out organ donation
- Ontario considers changing “three men in hot tub” logo
- BC Conflict of Interest Commissioner Paul Fraser dies