Hi everyone,
Scott de Lange Boom here with a special announcement.
I will be running for Vancouver City Council and will be seeking the NPA’s nomination. I wanted to give our loyal listeners the news first. It is because of our listeners and patreon supporters that this show has been so successful and exceeded both Ian’s and my expectations. A big heartfelt thank you to everyone.
Vancouver is facing significant challenges. We have an unprecedented housing crisis, our transportation infrastructure is overburdened and insufficient and everyday the business close down and people move away due to the high cost of being in Vancouver. In the face of these challenges, I felt I could no longer just comment from the sidelines, I needed to get involved and work to bring about the change Vancouver needs. I look forward, over the next coming weeks and months, to releasing a detailed plan for accomplishing that.
It is going to be long and difficult road between now and the election in October. But I intend to keep on with the podcast. You, our listeners have been incredible and I have no intention of letting you down. How we are going to deal with the election is a matter Ian and I are still discussing. The last thing I want is to turn PolitiCoast into the “Get Scott Elected Podcast”, that is not why you listen to us. If you have any thoughts on the matter, please let us know.
Vancouver needs new leadership. And a city council that isn’t just going to pass the buck and play the blame game with the province but will instead use every tool available to address the housing crisis. I can’t do this alone. If you want to help, the most important thing you can do right now is join the NPA to vote in the nominations. If you want to volunteer or donate you can go to delangeboom.ca to find out more.