A BC politics heavy podcast this week: The BC Liberals have a new leader but how much is he just like the old leaders? Alberta stops importing BC wines after BC puts a moratorium on diluted bitumen shipments, prompting Scott to have an aneurysm. We check in on how these two stories will play in the Kelowna West byelection. In quick takes we look at a slew of BC Government announcements, Trudeau’s town hall woes, a new national environmental review process and which dictatorial regime we’re selling arms to this week. And we finish off with a few of the many great tweets from this past week in our #bestofbcpoli segment.

Intro music

Suggest a local musician for us to feature next week by emailing Ian at ian@politicoast.ca


Segment 1: Another Andrew at the helm

Segment 2: Drunkirk
at 25m17s

Segment 3: Wine country votes
at 39m02s

“Quick” takes
at 44m17s

at 1h11m44s

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